DIY toners for blackheads and acne

toner recipes

Toners are used right after cleansing as a way to balance the skin's pH and prepare the skin to absorb the skincare ingredients afterwards. Some toners can also do extra work like remove dead skin cells, moisturize, and exfoliate, which are great for blackheads and acne prone skin. 


Why Use A Homemade Toner For Acne

Some facial toners are homemade, such as DIY or do-it-yourself, using household products or ingredients like utilized avocado, palm oil, olive oil and the likes. During the early 1900s, some or most women would make their own skincare products to tone or brighten their skin using unprocessed milk, lemon juice, witch hazel and vinegar rather than purchasing expensive ones from aesthetic skin clinics.

If you prefer using homemade over commercial ones, here are some simple ones to try out with proven benefits for acne prone skin! 

Here are 13 top DIY facial toners, especially for acne and blackheads:

* Lemon and Aloe Vera Toner / Witch Hazel And Lemon Toner – Great for soothing acne and sun burned skin

What You Will Need:

1 Ripe Lemon

1 Bottle of 100% pure Aloe Vera by Desert Lily (optional)

1 Fresh Aloe Vera Leaf

1 bottle of pure witch hazel

Essential oils (optional)

1 Pack of Cotton swabs or cotton balls (optional)

1 Mini Spray bottle

1 Amber colored Jar (optional)

1 Blender (optional)

1 Lemon squeezer (optional)

1 Bowl

1 Small funnel

Directions for Aloe Vera and Lemon Toner:

  1. Grab a lemon and roll it back and forth on a firm surface. This helps the lemon release the juice more easily when you begin to squeeze it. Then begin to squeeze it.
  2. Take your Aloe Vera Leaf and cut it in half then cut it down the spiky side so the clear meaty part will be exposed. Take a spoon and scrape it out into a bowl. *If using the Desert Lily Aloe Vera in a bottle skip this process and jump right to pouring it into a bowl*
  3. Combine the ingredients into a blender
  4. Get your spray bottle or jar and insert the funnel into it, pour the mixture in and shake it up. Add an oil (e.g. coconut oil)
  5. Refrigerate to keep mixture from expiring quickly. Keeping it in a dark bottle also helps its shelf life.

Directions for Witch Hazel and Lemon Toner: Follow the same steps above just swap out the aloe Vera gel and replace it with Witch Hazel, no blender is needed, just a spray bottle or jar and some cotton balls.

Fun Facts

1) Aloe Vera has an extreme bitter taste. It is great for moisturizing and soothing acne as well as aiding with digestion, aside from helping with sun burns.

  1. Aloe Vera is also known as “Desert Lily” as it mainly grows in the desert.
  2. Lemon helps in lightening up acne scars.
  3. Lemons have low PH balance.
  4. Witch Hazel is good for removing dark circles.
  5. Tea tree oil helps to dry out pimples

Another great example of a DIY facial toner for acne and/or blackheads would be the Apple Cider Vinegar toner (with Mint) and Apple Cider Vinegar toner (with Green Tea)

* Apple Cider Vinegar Toner (with Mint) - Apple cider vinegar helps in breaking down the cause of blackhead whereas the mint creates a cooling effect and tightening sensation to your skin. The mint helps in taming any inflammation around your blackhead if it is swollen or irritated.

This DIY facial toner for acne takes about a week to finish preparing.

What You Will Need:

  •       3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  •       3 tablespoons of finely chopped/crushed fresh mint leaves
  •       8 ounces of water
  •       Cotton ball


* Combine vinegar and mint in a small bottle and let it sit for 1 week in a cool dark place.

* Strain, add 8 ounces of water, and store in the refrigerator for up to 6 days.

* Use nightly, rinsing your face first with water and then using clean cotton balls to apply the toner.

* Leave on overnight or up to several hours and wash off in the morning.

* Follow up with a moisturizer or serum.  

We also have the Apple Cider Vinegar Toner (with Green Tea) that can also help with blackheads. 

*Apple Cider Vinegar Toner (With Green Tea)

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a base for a DIY toner for acne/ blackheads as it reaches deep into your pores to draw out dirt, dead skin and oil. Green tea, on the other hand, repairs skin damage and smooths out wrinkles.

What You Will Need:

* Apple cider vinegar

* Green Tea

* Cotton Balls


* Combine 3 parts of green tea with 1 part of apple cider vinegar.

* Steep green tea and let it cool before combining with apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.

* Spray this on a cotton ball then rub to your skin. 

Here are a few more examples of DIY toner for acne that you can use for your daily skin care routine:

* Mint Leaves/Peppermint Toner

Peppermint makes a perfect herb for soothing or calming down an inflamed skin. It is also great for fighting oil with its astringent properties, making it an ideal toner.

What You Will Need:

* Peppermint (fresh or dried)

* Water (filtered or distilled)


* With Fresh Peppermint

1) Fill a glass container with filtered water.

2) Place few sprigs of clean peppermint into the water. Add more water than peppermint.

3) Allow peppermint to soak in water for at least overnight.

4) Keep peppermint leaves in mixture for a few days or even a week after preparing, even while using the product.

5) Store in fridge to preserve peppermint sprigs and to add extra cooling benefits when applying to skin.

* With Dried Peppermint or Peppermint Tea Bag

1) Boil couple cups of hot water.

2) Pour water into glass container or mug.

3) Add dried peppermint/peppermint tea bag and let steep until mixture is cooled or longer.

* Lemon Juice With Peppermint Tea Toner

What You Will Need:

* 1 bag peppermint tea

 * 1 cup hot water

 * 1 tbsp lemon juice

 * glass container

 * cotton ball


1)   Steep the peppermint tea bag in hot water for 5 minutes.

2)   Once the solution cools, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to it and mix well.

 3)   Store in a glass container and refrigerate.

4)   Wipe face and neck by soaking a cotton ball in a freshly brewed toner.

* Basil And Cucumber Toner

One of the best DIY facial toners for acne.  Cucumber is rich in silica, Vitamin A, potassium, water, Vitamin C and Vitamin B1.Basil leaves enhance the luster of dull-looking skin as the ursolic acid helps in toning the skin, closing the open pores and cleaning any excess oil, dirt and dead skin cells from the skin’s surface to give brighter and cleaner appearance.  The benefits of basil and cucumber toner are its antibacterial & antiseptic properties, faster regeneration of skin cells, exfoliation of dead skin cells, removal of dark circles and spots, reduction of inflammation & irritation and maintenance of skin’s moisture level.

 What You Will Need:

  * 1 medium sized cucumber

  * Few fresh basil leaves

  * 5 drops of tea tree oil

  * 2 to 3 tbsp rose water (optional)


1) Peel the cucumber and cut into small pieces. Put cucumber pieces and a handful of washed basil leaves in a blender and make a smooth running paste or you can directly extract the juice from juice maker machine.

2) Run the paste through strainer or sieve or an old but clean handkerchief or cheesecloth.

3) Put mixture in spray bottle. Add few drops of tea tree oil and rose water in bottle and shake well to mix all the ingredients.

* Camphor With Rose Water Toner

Another ideal DIY facial toner for acne would be the Camphor with Rose Water Toner. Camphor is known to be an amazing ingredient used for decades for skin and hair care. It is also considered as a potential homemade acne treatment that shows prompt results and soothes skin itching, irritation, redness, skin infections and allergies. Rose water, on the other hand, possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hydrating properties suitable for skin types.


1) Add a pinch of camphor in a bottle of rose water and shake well.

2) Use mixture as facial toner and wipe your face with the toner for 3 to 4 times a day to reduce excess oil and sebum.

* Chamomile Toner

The reason why chamomile is one of the best ingredients for a DIY facial toner is that it contains flavonoids that help protect the skin from free radicals and damage from the sun or other environmental influences. Chamomile brings healing powers on frustrating skin conditions like rashes and acne.

What You Will Need:

* ¼ cup distilled water

* 1 ½ tbsp dried chamomile or pure chamomile tea bag

* 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

* 1 tsp vegetable glycerin (optional)

* 3 drops frankincense essential oil (optional) or your choice of essential oil

* 3 drops carrot essential oil (optional) or your choice of essential oil


1) Warm the water. Remove water from heat source. Add chamomile flowers (or tea bag) directly to warm water. Let steep for 5 to 10 minutes until rich gold in color.

2) Strain the chamomile flowers from the liquid tea using a fine mesh or sieve. Discard or compost.

3) Combine the glycerin and essential oils in a glass bottle with lid. Shake the bottle to combine the ingredients then add apple cider vinegar and chamomile tea. Shake again.

*Note: Store the astringent/toner in the fridge and use quickly. Apply a small amount of toner on a cotton pad or ball and wipe the face after washing with a cleanser. Follow it up with a moisturizer. Store toner in a cool dark place (preferably in medicine cabinet) in between uses.

* White Vinegar And Rose Water Toner

This DIY facial toner also helps in treating your acne. Vinegar (either white or apple cider) is known for its astringent properties and contains hydroxy and acetic acids which are good for minimizing pores and promote circulation while rose water has hydrating and soothing abilities as well as a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

What You Will Need:

* 1 tbsp of vinegar (white/apple cider)

* 2 cups of water (preferably rose water)

* 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel (optional)


1) Mix all the ingredients then store in a bottle.

2) Dab the toner on a cotton ball or pad.

3) Apply on face or neck.

* Green Tea Toner

Green tea would also make a perfect ingredient for a DIY facial toner when it comes to healing or treating acne. Green tea is known to have or rich in antioxidants and possess many health benefits. Green tea has also claimed to be an all-natural acne treatment.

What You Will Need:

* 8 oz. brewed green tea

* 30 drops lavender or tea tree essential oil


1) Boil an 8 ounce of water then steep one bag of green tea for 15 minutes.

2) Transfer water to a glass spritzer bottle and add 30 drops of essential oil (lavender or tea tree).

3) Shake to mix.

* Milk Thistle Toner 

Surprisingly, milk thistle has 7 science based benefits. This herbal remedy was extracted from the plant itself (aka Silybum marianum) , in which its active ingredients are derived from a group of plant compounds known as silymarin. The 7 benefits we can get from this plant are: 1) protection from liver, 2) prevention of age-related decline in brain function, 3) protection of bones, 4) destroy cancer cells, 5) boost breast milk production, 6) treats acne and 7) lowers blood sugar level for diabetic people.

Milk thistles are often found or included in common bath & body products like soaps, hair conditioners, ointments, lotions, creams, facial toners (DIY), massage oils, bath bombs, scrubs, facial masks, lip balms and bath teas.

* Rosemary Toner

Rich in vital nutrients such as iron, calcium and antioxidants, rosemary makes another great ingredient for a DIY facial toner. This herbal plant aids in preventing signs of aging, treating acne and preventing infection. Its aromatic properties are perfect for soothing and rejuvenating skin cells. Rosemary can be combined with apple cider vinegar in a DIY facial toner.

What You Will Need:

* 2 cups of water

* 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

* 3 tbsp. apple cider vinegar


1) Combine water and rosemary in a small pan and bring to a boil.

2) Reduce heat to medium and allow to simmer until reduced by half.

3) Remove from heat and allow to cool.

4) Strain through a fine strainer and add apple cider vinegar.

5) Store in a reusable container.

* Grapeseed Toner

Its oil comes from the seeds expelled or extracted from grapes during the winemaking process which are then cold pressed to produce oil that contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making this another good ingredient for a DIY facial toner.

The grapeseed oil, when used as a topical treatment, helps promote healthy skin at a cellular level. It contains Vitamin E, beta-carotene and linoleic acid, giving the oil its antioxidant and anti-proliferative properties and the ability to help regenerate healthy cells and replace any damaged cells.

What You Will Need:

* homemade green tea

* grapeseed oil


1) Pour 1 cup of freshly brewed cool green tea into a bottle with ¼ cup of grapeseed oil.

2) Shake the mixture and store in a bathroom

3) Shake before use (each time)

So, these are all the DIY facial toners that can help with treating skin conditions such as acne aside from apple cider vinegar toner, lemon and aloe vera toner and witch hazel and lemon toner.


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I would like to know how long it can keep?

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