You Ruined My Face: Dudu Osun Review

You Ruined My Face: Dudu Osun Review
You ruined my Face! 
By: Tianna

About a month ago I started hearing about a soap called “Dudu Osun Black soap”. The reviews I found online were mixed, I heard so many good ones about it on YouTube, and a good share of mixed reviews on

Even before trying it, I had positive expectations of it since I had a wonderful experience with the a Charcoal and Clay mask I tried before. The mask helped me fight off breakouts and kept my pores pretty clean.

I assumed the dudu oson soap had activated charcoal in it as well which gave it its dark color, but to my surprise the ingredients included shea butter, honey, aloe vera, osun (Camwood), palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash, palm bunch ash, lime juice, lemon juice, water and fragrance. 

My Experience with Dudu Osun

Despite seeing some of the bad Dudu Osun reviews, I felt adventurous and decided to give it a try anyway. I went on Amazon and brought TWO bars of this infamous Dudu Osun soap mainly because one seller had priced two bars cheaper than another seller that was selling one. My soaps arrived about 2 days after I ordered them, I was so excited to try them! 

Side Effects From Dudu Uson Soap

First time washing my face with this soap I noticed right away that it burned extremely bad, even after 5 minutes of washing it off. It dried my face out to the point where once all the water dried up on my face my skin was white ashy like I hadn’t moisturized in days. Now I think that should have stopped me, with those big red flags waving right in front of my face, but no it didn’t.

Fast forwarding about a week later of using the soap I began to break out in areas I never did before, on the bridge of my nose, along the bottom of my jaw line, near my lips, and under my chin. I had all of these clusters of whiteheads all over my face in random areas. Even after I stopped using the soap the pimples did not go away, it took about a month to start clearing up.

Some reviews said things like “This is just the purge stage” “Your body is just getting rid of its toxins”... BLAH BLAH BLAH! Reality was, this soap RUINED my skin! 

Did It Really Ruin My Skin?

So I know you will ask things like  “How do you know that it was the soap and not anything else?” “Are you sure it wasn’t what you were eating or a different product you tried?” I will kindly address it right now. 

Previous to using this soap I had a staple product routine which did not and will not change. I also test-drove this product not once but TWICE for a full week, two months apart for my better judgement before I decided to do any reviews on it. I am sure there is no coincidence, I had not had flare ups of acne until I started using this product for the first time and when I tried it again it did the same thing. I am currently trying to get my face together from giving it a try again. 

Edit: I also read some comments that since I ordered mine from Amazon, it could have been a fake soap so beware of buying beauty products off Amazon.  So that is one thing to take into account.  

This is just my personal experience, I am not saying DuDu Osun will not work for you and I am not trying to bash the company I know African Black Soap has done wonders for others as you can read on this amazing article by Kali Kushner on a different African black soap, but I personally will never again dismiss bad reviews. I hope you have learned something from this Dudu Osun review, have you tried it yourself? Did it work or did it also ruin your skin?

*Disclaimer: I am not saying DuDu Osun will not work for you, this is just my personal experience 


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The soap is a actually good, but the problem is that some of us abuse it.. if not, how can you apply a natural extract soap for about 5min on your face and probably wouldn’t rinse it very well. It clearly stated that it neither makes you black or fair.



Am using the dudu osun soap now and my skin is chocolate should continue using ?? it or please recommend any good cream and soap for my chocolate skin



The saop is not harsh at all l have sensitive skin is not harsh but y will you keep saop in ur face for 5min is wrong u put small lather and wash it work gradually



I started using Dudu Osun three days ago and my experience is almost similar to yours…in just three days!!
I have a big pimples on my face. Mind you, I never have acne problems-genetics. So it was a really big shock. Two pimples on my chest too, my skin feels so dry and a breakout at the corner of my nose. I know for sure it’s the change of soap. I have never experienced anything like this. I had a pretty consistent skin care routine and I didn’t change anything except my soap. I had to come online for reviews. This just confirmed my suspicious.

Festina onaiwu

Festina onaiwu

Am presently using this soap and I have started having pimples all over my face 😢. I have just used it for like five days

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