Neem Products Beneficial for Daily Use

Neem has been around for thousands of years. It was first discovered in India but also found in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and South Asia. Neem is an herb in its own category. I consider it a super-herb. It addresses a wide range of health and skin problems.

It is difficult to summarize all of the healing and beauty properties of Neem because of its versatility.

I will discuss my top 5 Neem products I use daily and highly recommend.

Neem Soap

Neem soap can be used on the body and face. On the body, it helps with skin pigmentation, stops the growth of scabies, kills herpes and other skin infections/conditions so hit those corners of your mouth well and your genitals. Combining it with a bleaching cream will help with dark spots around the knees, elbows, ankles and underarm area.

Purchased at Whole foods for $8.99 

Neem Toothpaste

* Prevent and heal gum disease (gingivitis)

* Prevents Cavities

* Eliminate bacteria for people with halitosis

* Enhance mouth immunity in general

Purchased at Whole Foods for $7.99

Neem Chapstick

Prevents cold sores, healthier than the basic Chapstick from drug stores. Your lips will be super soft and healthy looking.

Purchased at Whole Foods for $4.49

Neem Lotion

Neem lotion can be used on the body and face. It helps with firming the skin, skin pigmentation, an excellent agent to prevent wrinkles and fine lines, very effective in taking care of excessively dry skin.

Neem lotion is very good with acne and helps heal the skin faster. I am a very active person and I can get a few scraps here and there. I use my Neem product and just like that, it's healed. After 3 uses your skin will look brighter and feel ten times softer than before.

Purchased at Whole Foods for $13.99

Neem Oil

Neem oil can and should be added in just about everything. Neem oil is an anti-fungal and has a wide range of medicinal properties. Not recommend using orally because of the toxicity of the solvent extracts of the Neem seed. I put a few drops in my shampoo, body wash, lotions, and my face cream. This oil has truly changed my life. I no longer have hyper pigmentation problems, I never get cold sores or have to deal with dandruff. My skin is so healthy and soft after adding this in my products.

Purchased at Whole foods for $11.00


The oil has an extremely strong smell. It is horrible. I add coconut oil or an essential oil to block the smell so use a very small amount of Neem oil in your products. The other Neem products have a slight smell but not as bad as the oil.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or scientist.  You should consult a physician before using this product.

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