12 Ways To Stay Confident With Acne

12 Ways To Stay Confident With Acne

By Kali Kushner

 Having acne can be hard enough without all of the emotional burden it carries. 

Being plagued by cystic acne for years is extremely difficult and at times, can have a serious impact on your mental and emotional health. 

Dealing with something like cystic acne can seriously take a chunk out of your self-confidence.  When large, painful, red cysts plague your face in a community where no one seems to have acne, it can eat away at you inside.

Even when most of the cysts have gone away, I am left with a multitude of hyperpigmented scars. 

Knowing that my skin has cleared up compared to what it once was, and still having scars as a constant and unavoidable reminder is more frustrating than anything and I've had days feeling like I couldn't leave the house.  

But - it is possible to get your confident back with acne and you aren't alone if you have similar feelings! Below are my top tips that I try to practice regularly to stay confident when dealing acne! 

1. Stop Comparing Yourself To Social Media Influencers

With the recent advances of AI, filters and photo editing, social media has created unrealistic standards of beauty.  Remind yourself that most of what you see isn't real.  Focus on yourself and take a break from social media if its not contributing positively to your mental health or confidence! 

You can also follow more acne positive influencers too who are creating a space where anyone can feel comfortable to be their raw, true unfiltered selves.

2. Realize That Others Don’t Notice Your Acne as Much as You Think


It’s easy to think that everyone is judging your appearance, but the truth is, people are more focused on themselves.  People have more in common with each other than you might think,  you probably don't spend your time noticing other people's acne so they probably aren't either.    


3. Embrace Your Unique Journey with Acne

You’ve probably gotten suggestions by now about how you should or should not be treating your skin from family members, friends, and complete strangers. It’s unsolicited and annoying yes BUT do realize that they are only trying to help.


Don’t let their advice phase you! If you have acne like me I’m sure you’ve tried absolutely everything. 

You know exactly what you have and have not tried, whether or not your current regimen is working, and that you are actively trying your best to manage your skin.  Your journey is your own and you should feel proud for all you've tried and done to manage it!  

4. Limit Mirror Checking

Obsessively checking the mirror or avoiding it entirely can worsen anxiety.  Realize that your breakout is only temporary and that it will go away eventually- stressing out about it now isn't really going to help.  

Acne doesn't define your worth, and try to be more accepting of your current self to boost your confidence.   

5. Avoid Withdrawing From Social Interactions

Skipping out on social events could reinforce the idea that having acne is embarrassing or shameful, and may cause your confidence to go down even more. 

Instead, regardless of your skin, challenge yourself to go out there and live life. 


Working on your hobbies can boost your mood and self-esteem. Whether it's art, sports, video games, or music, hobbies give you something positive to focus on outside of your skin.   

Hobbies can boost confidence by giving you a sense of accomplishment and some hobbies can also open up more socializing and they help reduce stress. 

7. Practice Self Care Regularly

Self-care isn't just about skincare. It includes activities that make you feel good, like a relaxing bath, meditation, or treating yourself to your favorite meal. Making time for self-care means you are prioritizing yourself.  

8. Wear Clothes That Makes You Feel Good

The right outfit can give a huge boost to confidence.  If you feel your best when wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants, do that. If you feel best wearing tight jeans and a shirt, do that.  Wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and authentic.  

9. Eat Well & Exercise 

Move your body some more, theres so many ways to exercise that it doesn't have to feel like a chore!   Research shows that positive correlation between aerobic exercise and self esteem levels which can help boost your confidence! 

It can also be tempting to eat unhealthy if you aren't feeling good about yourself, while its okay to indulge in treats every now and then, making sure you give yourself time to eat balanced meals is a way to show yourself compassion and care.  

10. Compliment Yourself 

Whenever you catch yourself being negative and horrible about yourself, say something positive!

Self-talk is so important and it can turn your day around! Talk to yourself like you would to a friend!  Would you say the negative thoughts you are thinking about to a friend? I hope not!   Even if you feel silly giving yourself compliments, keep going and you will start to believe the nice things that you start saying.  

11. Do What Makes You Happy

When dealing with acne, it’s important to stay true to yourself. If wearing makeup boosts your confidence, do it. If you prefer a bare face, go for a bare face. Make choices based on your happiness, not others' opinions.

12. Accept and Embrace Your Skin

Finally, Whether you have clear skin, acne scars, or acne-prone skin, embrace it. 

Acceptance is key. Acne can cause you stress and you may feel self concious about it, but learn to accept it.  Remind yourself you are already doing all you can to take care of your skin, and the above will help take care of yourself in other ways mentally and physically.  

Focus on yourself, and don't worry about what random people will think of you because how are they going to contribute to your happiness?   

This bump in your life story is just a patch that will make you a stronger and more compassionate person.  

One day I can look back and say “man, that sucked, but I learned from it.” But most of all, I have had to learn to feel beautiful with these scars and blemishes.

Who I am as a person did not change, even though my appearance did. And it made me truly realize that someone’s inner beauty is what made their exterior beautiful - not the amount of makeup or the lack of pimples. This is something I, you, anyone who suffers from it will move past. And we will be stronger for it in the end.

If you need help improving your confidence, try this free worksheet to help you reflect on your good qualities.

Recommended Products For Acne Prone Skin

Banish Fighter Gel - Calms inflammation & breakouts

Pumpkin Enzyme Masque - Exfoliates skin to keep pores clear and skin smooth

Reading next

Psychological Effects of Acne




Thank You so much for this, I needed it 😔❤️

Bailey Nesbitt

Bailey Nesbitt

Thank you so much for these tips! I am going through it right now, and any self confidence I had is plummeting…I know my fam and friends don’t care, but I care, and it makes me so self conscious when I see others eyes flicker over my face, or when I just walk through the schools halls, even though I know that it doesn’t rly matter in the end. I am surrounded my supporters that help me so much, but they can’t help me now, and it feels so good to have others know what I’m going through. My confidence is slowly returning, thanks to your post! Again, thanks

Anshika gautam

Anshika gautam

Thank you thank you thank you so much for this amezing suggestions.still iam struggl with pimple,acne,open porses,scarc with my black skin.i really feel very terrible when iam going out anywhere.but after this amazing suggestions I would like to go out anywhere with confidence.thank you so much.



My face has exploded with painful cystic acne, and my confidence has plummeted. Thanks for sharing all these great tips.



thank you SO much my confidence is improving already !! you are having such an impact on so many lives hope you have a great day and THANK YOU AGAIN!! already feeling my confidence slowly coming back in (fingers crossed) :D.

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