
How To Unclog Pores

How To Unclog Pores

By: Julienne P.


This the best routine for unclogging pores based on personal experience and getting all that dirt and gunk out of your skin. This is most suitable for people who have normal to oily skin as this can dry out your skin. 



This is the cheapest way of unclogging your pores at home, you don't even need an extra pair of hands to help you because all you need are, hot water, towel, and a basin. Simply pour the hot water on your basin and tilt your face on the basin and get yourself in a comfortable position. Be careful it's gonna be hot and steamy! Use the towel to lock in the steam on your face. Remember that before doing this your face must be clean and free from any dirt and makeup residue because the steam is gonna be opening up your pores. Do this for 10-15 minutes with small break intervals, after steaming use your favorite facial wash to free your pores from any dirt or residue. 



You need to get all those days dirt out of your pores; if you wear makeup you should ALWAYS cleanse your skin no matter what. A lot of gunk can enter our pores and clog our skin and we don’t want the unwanted debris on our face. Cleansing your face removes a build-up of bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt, pollutants, and viruses you gather up throughout the day.

Face cleanser contains ingredients like organic ginger essential oil is proven to reduce skin roughness and inflammation.  Banish All Mint Cleanser is formulated to be gentle on the skin, but tough on impurities! This foaming cleanser rinses completely clean and leaves no residue without being overly harsh or drying. 

Not washing your face can block follicles which can lead to trapping the sweat, sebum and dead skin cells. This gets inflamed and the result is acne. A cleanser I love and recommend to everyone is the Innisfree apple seed cleaning foam.



You might have heard of BHA’s and AHA’s at one point. They are chemical exfoliating products. Instead of using harsh physical scrubs, chemical exfoliants are more effective rather than scrubbing at your skin and further irritating it. Using physical scrubs is very harsh on the skin and even though they feel as if they’re doing something, they are not. Maybe the scrubbing sensation makes you feel as if you’re scrubbing away your acne but you’re not. Instead, use chemical exfoliants, they work deep under the skin instead of the surface and they encourage cell turnover which reduces acne. They are both good for loosening up the gunk in the skin but you have to wait at least 10-15 minutes for them do work their magic. 

Pumpkin Enzyme Masque from Banish is highly recommended. It exfoliates skin without harsh scrubbing. Made with a blend of raw pumpkin, lemon, orange, glycolic acid, bilberry fruit extract, and ginger root to deliver renewing and radiance-boosting ingredients directly to the skin.



After you wash off the last mask I highly recommend you use a peel-off mask all over your face and no, I’m not talking about pore strips. I’m talking about the liquid black masks that you peel off. This will pull the clogged pores and blackheads out entirely. You will see that the result you get is better than when you don’t use these preparation steps. There will be more blackheads pulled out; even from places, you didn’t know they were building up in!

Using two face masks in a row can seem really harsh for those whose skin is very sensitive. For others, I do recommend only doing this once or twice a month so your skin does not get irritated. This routine is only when your skin feels really rough and it feels congested.



There are many treatment options for unclogging pores, from daily facial washes to topical medication. Listen to your skin to determine a skincare routine that will work best for you. Simply follow this best routine for unclogging pores to have the clearer skin that you have always wanted.

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