Top Acne Products That Actually Worked For Me!

The hardest part about fighting acne is finding the right products to fight it off with. There are SO MANY top acne products out there that promise things like: “clear skin in only two weeks!” or “overnight results!” Sometimes these products will even have celebrities makes these promise, which ends up making these products seem more credible.  I’m sure that we’ve all fallen for these promises at least once or twice.

I’ve tried almost all the big brands we’ve seen in stores and on TV to fight my acne; Clearasil, Clean and Clear, Proactiv, Neutrogena, and so much more. These products did nothing but either dry out my face or break me out even more. Maybe these products have worked for you— keep it up, don’t let me stop you! But if you are like me, maybe some of my experience can help you out.

Have you heard of the site called Before I actually tried it, I thought it sounded way too gimmicky to be true. One day, on an impulse, I purchased the product from the site and was proven wrong. My stubborn acne that I’ve been working years to get rid of suddenly started going away. There are specific instructions on how to use the products online. It’s very important they are used correctly to ensure success, so you may read on the site if interested. There is an Cleanser, Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment, and Moisturizer. I, of course, bought all three. This was probably the first acne treatment that did what it said it would do. Even if you do not wish to buy these products, there is a forum online that talks about other products that work too (even if it’s not from That’s how I know they actually care about the users—they offer alternatives to their own products!

I was pretty set on for a while, but after watching a video online about another product called Organiclear, I was too intrigued to not try it. Usually, I wouldn’t switch up products that were already working so well for me, but a Youtuber (Roxette Arisa) had a discount code to try this product for free. I thought, “Well it’s free, I might as well get it!” I received the product in the mail (free as promised) and now I swear by it. After using up all the discount codes I can find online, I still choose to buy it at full price if I have to—and let me tell you, this is not a cheap product. With this product, even my hormonal acne was no match. Organiclear works very similarly to the products in It comes with a cleanser, a morning moisturizer, and a nighttime moisturizer.

Both of these products work equally as good for my skin. I personally lean towards Organiclear nowadays because I like the ingredients more. If you’ve tried everything, just take my word for it and try this out too. Some people with severe acne cases have testimonials to these products.  I cannot promise you “results overnight” or you’ll have “clear skin in two weeks!” The journey to the clear and healthy skin is sometimes a long and tough one. It takes time and effort, but it is definitely worth all the work you put into it. These products work, but only if you give them time to do their job. Keep this in mind when you use these top acne products: be consistent, and give it time to work.  

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