Truth behind the beauty
Featuring : Caroline
I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, you know the entertainment capital of the world. And even though that name sounds so extravagant, it´s actually really different for locals because growing up, there´s really not much to do. It´s definitely a town for 18 or 21 and older, but I had a lot of spare time on my hands and I got into art and art programs in school. I got so into it that when I grabbed makeup, the first thing in my head was "this is like art, it´s paint!" And I didn´t do an eyeliner at first, I started like, creating myself into Alice in wonderland, or you know like different characters from my favorite movies, so that´s how I started!
Some of Caroline's Popular Posts

Let's Dig A Little Deeper
Why do you think people follow you? Well of course I am a beauty account and I think that people just come and follow me to get inspiration, I also have a lot of beauty accounts that follow me, so I just think that we all come together we follow each other, we inspire each other and we keep this community going you know what I´m saying?
Do you work a regular full time or part time job along with being a beauty influencer? Right now I am taking social media full time, it´s my full time job and I try to put everything that I can into it, it inspires me daily, and I feel like we´re going into a generation where we´re doing what we want to do, we´re going into a place where we´re no longer doing it for the money, we´re doing it for ourselves to help ourselves and help other people. I definitely think social media gives us that opportunity.
What do your family or friends think of your influencer career? Do they watch your videos? Yeah, I remember my very first instagram post that I ever posted was me and my makeup, and I told my friend at the time, I was like ¨hey I made this instagram account and I´m doing makeup¨ and she was like ¨what´s instagram?¨ That´s how new it was! And I was like ¨dude it´s this place where people post pictures and you can post whatever you want and you inspire each other and she was like ¨totally cool dude!¨ I was like yeah I know! And I just started going from there, as it went along I told my friends, and they were like ¨I hear you have an instagram account¨ and I was like yes I do, and they ¨omg you do makeup this is so awesome¨ and we just went from there!
Do you think people know how much work goes into being a blogger? What do you think people imagine you do? I always ask myself this question, because not only I´m a social media influencer I guess you could say, but I´m also a person that sits down and watches youtube videos and the crazy part is that it looks so effortlessly, you know? You sit down, you take pictures, you look glam and that´s it, and NO, there´s so much time going into it. It´s more than 8 hours, it´s more than 10 hours. Sometimes, a day! You put your whole life into it YOU KNOW, IT´S LIKE A PROJECT, it´s so much more, and I feel like people don´t realize that. Until you do it, you´ll realize it. There are Youtubers out there that have people that comment ¨oh this is so easy¨ but it´s until you experience it you understand the hard work that goes into it.
What is your creative process like? It starts off with me getting inspiration, so I´ll go through google, tumble,r instagram, youtube. I try to grab inspiration from anywhere I can whether it´s a painting, a photo of the ocean, it doesn´t matter. I try to get inspiration from anywhere. A song, anywhere. After that, I get a look in my head and I go ¨ok, I got it¨ I sit down and whatever I have in front of me, whatever makeup I have I try to make it happen.
INTERVIEWER: Definitely we can see you are very creative and think outside the box, in one of your videos you are doing contouring with a slice of pizza! HAHA how did you come up with that?
(Laughs) I actually got inspired by an artist for that post, I think I saw it on an online magazine and I thought ¨this is so cool¨ and I decided to challenge myself, because it´s also about the challenges, I sat down and was like, lets do this, it looks easy but it took me 4 hours to create that look
What is a day´s work like? I wake up usually like around 8 o´clock in the morning, I take an hour to get inspiration, from 9 to like 12 I do a look, then I go through the pictures that i took, then I edit the photos, after that I post them online and I try to share them all over the place
What is the hardest skill you've had to learn?
Wow that is a tough question! It just comes to me you know, it´s like one of those things that, it just comes to you, it´s kinda hard to explain, like for a singer you´d be like what´s the hardest thing you´ve learned? and it´s like, well they have sang their entire life and it just comes natural to you, like for a wing eyeliner you draw a line, you picture it in your brain you see it in real life and then you try to create it, it´s so hard to explain!
How do you keep Inspiration flowing? I try to listen to songs, I feel like a new way to get inspired is by looking at album covers, nowadays they´re crazy they´re so amazing and you just look at the color wave, the way you look at a room I dont know in Ikea haha and you get a colorwave inspiration, online on google, art, pictures, there is so much inspiration out there that it´s so hard for me to say that I am not inspired, you have to go out there and you have to get it! .
What would you say is the most tedious process of your job?
When I have a look on my head, and I try to do it, and it doesnt come up the way that I wanted it to, some looks I have on my instagram I do like 4 times, I´m not even kidding, I need them to be the way I see them in my head you know? In any skill, any area of your life you will need to practice, practice makes perfect.
What is the most satisfying part of your job? The response that I get from people, It´s like a fuel to the fire, people would tell you how a look is so amazing and how they are so inspired, and I´m like, this is amazing. The response is what keeps me going, it completes the mission haha.
What are some of your main struggles you face with as a beauty blogger?
I think it´s staying confident, in this world as much as you get inspired, as much as you wanna be miss perfect online, you are not, you know there´s always a downfall to it, with all of these new trends coming out you, you get kinda like down sometimes about it, but I always remember that being original is the best way to go, do something that nobody has done before, and that´s what i try to do, lets paint our own way, that´s how I stay motivated and confident in this crazy world haha.
Are there any times where you've had a crazy fan? Follow up: tell us about your crazy fan story You know what, I´m not there yet but when I do get a crazy fan story I´ll let you know haha
Were there ever a time something untrue was going around online involving you that you want to clear up? Honestly no, there never has been a point
Do other influencers ever get jealous of each other? Have you experienced this within the community? I have seen it and it´s probably one of the saddest things that I have ever seen before, because even though people are like I dont look at the numbers, well when you´re like a small instagram account it does get to you, numbers get to people, it´s insane, I´ve seen girls going from being best friends in the beauty community turning against each other for likes, and ¨oh you dont have enough likes, you´re not famous enough, I cant hang out with you¨ and it´s sad, you´re really going to take a friendship that took so long to build and throw it in the trash, for some followers and likes? It happens.
The best and worst comment you received and how you dealt with that? I remember this to this day and probably remember this for the rest of my life, it was something like ¨you are becoming your highest form¨, and that really inspired me, I knew where it was coming from, like I was reaching my highest potential and to keep going, it motivated me so much, to this day when I´m feeling down I say to myself, I´m gonna take that comment and apply it to my life, it was that good. And then the worst, probably one that everybody in the beauty community knows and it was ¨kill yourself¨, and I was like wow you know you really have to be in a certain point of your life to comment that, and they comment that for me but it shows more about them and who they are, and it kinda saddens me, if I was really depressed and I saw that, it wouldn´t make me feel good, so it doesnt get to me but I feel sad for that person, to see that there are literally grown mothers online telling young girls kill yourself, just because of a crooked wing or something, really?
How often do you compare your numbers to those of your peers? It gets to you sometimes, but you have to be like, that´s them, I am me, you know you cant worry about other people you gotta work on yourself, you know this is your thing, this is your bubble this is where you come to relax do your make up post it online as a way to relieve yourself from the problems of the world. So when it comes to a point where it´s like this isnt my state zone anymore, I completely shut it down, I´m like no, I´m not gonna get into this point where Im gonna be competitive with another person about numbers, no, I quickly tell myself to stop it focus on myself and stay in my lane.
How often do you compare your numbers to those of your peers? It gets to you sometimes, but you have to be like, that´s them, I am me, you know you cant worry about other people you gotta work on yourself, you know this is your thing, this is your bubble this is where you come to relax do your make up post it online as a way to relieve yourself from the problems of the world. So when it comes to a point where it´s like this isnt my state zone anymore, I completely shut it down, I´m like no, I´m not gonna get into this point where Im gonna be competitive with another person about numbers, no, I quickly tell myself to stop it focus on myself and stay in my lane.
Are there times you've felt like this industry has made you feel self conscious of how you present yourself on camera and online? Yeah man definitely, you see a makeup company that you really adore and they only post a certain type of girl that looks a certain type of way and it´s like when you dont fit that category it kinda breaks you down and gets you in this emotional ¨wow you really dont see the potential that everybody has? how are you a make up company?¨ And there´re definitely times where Im like I should act this way because this person acts like that and they got more followers and it´s like NO you gotts stay in your lane and do you, or there´d be times when my hair is too freezy and her hair is perfectly straight and she got reposted by this company maybe I should do that, and it´s like NO, because this is real, your hair looks like that in real life, imperfect imperfections make you perfect you know? .
What is your biggest physical insecurity? At one point it was my skin, I started putting on foundation at a very young age, because I was too scared, I don´t know what I was scared about but I guess I was afraid that a pimple would show up even though it sounds so dumb, but I was really afraid of that. In my school people would be like wow your skin looks so good and I´d be like oh thanks you know, but a pimple would show up and I´d be like I need to cover it asap this is not what I´m known for so dumb, but that´s what I was really insecure about. Nowadays I´ve embraced it so much and learned to love every single part of me that I´m like you know what, I have it and I gotta work with what I got.
Have you ever had a moment when you felt like giving up? What kept you going?
Yeah, there have been times when I´ve been like I dont think this is really worth it, but then I look at the response from people and even if it´s just one person, you gotta keep doing this to help other people and yourself, just keep going do what you gotta do forget the money the material stuff, once you do what you love to do and put your heart into it, money will follow, all the material stuff will follow, even of you impact one person you are still impacting one person that could impact the entire world.
What do you try to hide from your audience? I don´t really try to hide anything, I feel like I try to put myself as much as I can out there, so if one day there comes a point when I meet someone that follows me online they´re not shocked you know, they wont be like ¨wow you look different¨, you know? There´s nothing that I want to hide. This my body, this is me.
Name a fact about you that most people probably don't know about. I almost died when I was 3 years old I guess that´s a fun fact?! hahaha. I was swimming in a pool, super cool trying to show off and I nearly drowned (silence) It got real real quick hahaha.
Has your concept and views on social media and vloggers changed from when you weren´t a part of it? How?
Yes there is so much more that happens behind the scenes with contracts, sponsorships, ads and all this stuff that you kinda step back and say do I really wanna do this? But then I go you know what lets do it you know?
22. What is the most important message you´d like to share with the world? Do everything with your heart, with passion, with love, if you don´t do it you´re gonna hate what you do.
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