The Acne Battle Book

4 Reasons Why I Like Facial Steaming

4 Reasons Why I Like Facial Steaming

By Kaala Wood and Kali Kushner  One thing I absolutely dread is dealing with white heads-I mean come on, I'm not supposed to pop them, I know. But how does anyone expect me to leave them on my face...

Is Acne Genetic?

Is Acne Genetic?

  By Kali Kushner   Yes! There are a lot of studies connecting acne in our genes. Studies have shown that if you have relatives, especially parents who suffered from acne, you are four times more l...

What Makes You Trust A Skin Care Brand?

What Makes You Trust A Skin Care Brand?

By Yassi   How many times have you looked at a product that promises amazing results, purchased it, used it for a few weeks only to be disappointed as the product did absolutely nothing fo...

Do You Feel Depressed From Acne? Here's How I Rose Above It

Do You Feel Depressed From Acne? Here's How I Rose Above It

By Kali Kushner   Acne and self-love often relate to each other….. and they lie on the self-esteem of one individual suffering from this skin condition. Often times, we ask ourselves these question...

My Extreme Anti-Aging Secrets

My Extreme Anti-Aging Secrets

By Daisy Jing    Today, I’m going to talk about extreme anti-aging secrets or ways to age gracefully. I’m turning 30 years old in a couple of months and while I don’t think I look super young, I wo...

Is Your Acne Caused by Upset Acid Mantle? | Skin pH and Acne

Is Your Acne Caused by Upset Acid Mantle? | Skin pH and Acne

By Kali Kushner ACID MANTLE This topic is one of the most underrated things in skincare. It’s something we never really talk about. We use a lot of different products and stick to general skinca...

How Lack of Sleep Can Cause Acne

How Lack of Sleep Can Cause Acne

 Guest Blog By VeganAcneSufferers     Does lack of sleep cause acne? Short answer, YES!   Just as we need food and water to live, we also need to get a good night’s sleep on the regular. And just l...

eco skin care tips

Steps Toward a More Sustainable Skincare Routine

By: Samantha Rizzo and Shayla When we can make simple changes to our habits and lifestyle that will have a big impact on the environment that we and future generations will live in, why wouldn’t w...

things people do for beauty

7 Strange Things People Do for Beauty

By: Samantha Rizzo  If you frequent the comments section of skin care websites and blogs like I do, you’re bound to come across some strange things that people do for beauty.On the topic of my ac...

How Adult Acne and Diabetes Are Connected

How Adult Acne and Diabetes Are Connected

By Samantha Rizzo   Acne isn’t a problem of dirty skin and junk food, it’s a complex, multi-faceted skin condition with many variables.   Each person who is affected by acne is a little different ...

How to Cover Acne Scars with Makeup

How to Cover Acne Scars with Makeup

By Tianna Acne scarring can make you feel self-conscious about yourself. Even though makeup won’t make the underlying acne scarring any better, sometimes we just need a boost to our confidence and ...

acne scars review

Banish Starter Kit Acne Scars Review

By: Samantha Rizzo I’m a creature of habit, and as much as I love the excitement of trying new products, I prefer to stick with the brands that I know and trust.I found Banish skincare wh...

eco friendly skincare


By: Samantha Rizzo   We all have a duty to this beautiful planet to take care of it during the brief moment in history that we exist on it.Being mindful of our carbon footprint can sometimes confl...

4 Side Effects of Acne No One Talks About

4 Side Effects of Acne No One Talks About

By: Kali Kushner   Acne is something most of us will deal at one point or another in our lives. Whether it be a pre-teen hormonal breakout, or late onset adult acne- the side effects experienced a...



By: Samantha Rizzo   Let me start by saying that I have sensitive skin.⦁ My skin is sensitive to touch – a simple brush of the skin can result in instant and lasting redness.⦁ My skin is sensitive...