The Acne Battle Book

I Tried Celery Juice For One Month and Here’s What Happened

I Tried Celery Juice For One Month and Here’s What Happened

by Kali Kushner       Although it may be a fad now, juicing isn’t anything new in our culture. In fact, it’s been around forever. Practically since caveman squashed fruit with their bare f...

How Brian Turner Cured His Acne

How Brian Turner Cured His Acne

“Scars may give somewhat of a character to the person, I notice it in a good way in other people because I have also gone through the same experience with acne.” Brian Turner- a vegan, bodybuilder,...

How does acne affect a person's life

How Acne Has Changed My Life

By Caleb How Long I've Had Acne Ever since high school, acne has been a huge aspect of my life. The first thing that I would do (and still do) when waking up in the morning is to look at the mirror...

best teas for acne

The Best Teas For Clearing Up Acne

  Tea may not bring dramatic results for acne, but they are well tolerated and produce far fewer side effects than acne medications. This is why these teas are some of the best drinks to help fight...

foods to help acne

Foods That Surprisingly Cause Acne

For a long time, I was in denial of the link between food and skin. I wanted to believe SO bad that my acne could be completely cured solely through the use of topical and prescription drugs, and t...

10 Reasons To Use Natural Skin Care Products

10 Reasons To Use Natural Skin Care Products

By Hannah It took seven years of  acne to finally change up my skincare regimen. It took so long for me to strive for healthier looking skin because I had made the decision long ago to accept the ...

Tips to Clear Blackheads in the T-Zone ( Nose, Chin, Forehead)

Tips to Clear Blackheads in the T-Zone ( Nose, Chin, Forehead)

By Annie The T- Zone describes the forehead, nose and chin area of the face. These are areas that usually produce more oils and is also the most vulnerable to blackheads. The 6 remedies below will ...

What Food To Eat For Healthy Skin

What Food To Eat For Healthy Skin

By Christina Belty What does diet have to do with  healthy skin anyways? The answer is simple. Your skin is a reflection of what you allow in your diet. Period.   Your body can only function as ...

You Ruined My Face: Dudu Osun Review

You Ruined My Face: Dudu Osun Review

You ruined my Face!  By: Tianna About a month ago I started hearing about a soap called “Dudu Osun Black soap”. The reviews I found online were mixed, I heard so many good ones about it on YouTube,...

Is Retin A Safe? Why I Stopped Using Retin A

Is Retin A Safe? Why I Stopped Using Retin A

By Kali Kushner  For me, it wasn’t the acne pimples that was the worst part of my ongoing acne journey, but rather the scars and discoloration that were left behind. When my skin was free from ac...

19 Comics that Only People with Acne will Understand

19 Comics that Only People with Acne will Understand

We're all about skin positivity, but let's admit it - acne sucks, but it doesn't mean we can't have a few giggles from these 19 relatable situations.  Banish brings you 19 skincare comics that are ...

How To Win The Battle Against Acne

How To Win The Battle Against Acne

By Nicki I am a work in progress and it's okay. - Nicki   I have struggled with acne since halfway through high school. At that age, I already wonder how I will win my battle against acne.  I hav...

What Facial Masks Are You Obsessed With?

What Facial Masks Are You Obsessed With?

By Christina Belty When I was a teenager, I discovered face masks and they have become my facial mask obsessions. If my memory serves me well, I think the first one that I ever tried was the Mint...

How To Deal With Acne In Your 30s

How To Deal With Acne In Your 30s

By Rosy  Rosy strives for progress, not perfection (  I had given birth to my 3rd daughter, and my  hormones were all over the place when I finally decided enou...

how to get rid of body acne

5 Tips To Get Rid of Body Acne Fast

By Samantha  HOW TO GET RID OF BODY ACNE  Have you cleared up the acne on your face only to have zits pop up across your chest and back? Or maybe you've always had body acne.  It’s frustrating...