The Acne Battle Book

foods that fight acne

Foods That Fight Acne

  We all know how pesky acne can be. It is common knowledge that the average  American spends $500 in a quarter on skincare products just to alleviate a skin condition. While we spend more on skinc...

how to get rid of whiteheads

How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads

What are whiteheads and why do they usually form? What causes whiteheads and how do we get rid of them? Can anyone develop whiteheads?   What Are Whiteheads?   Whiteheads are usually known as a mil...

The Wonders of African Black Soap

By: B Findley If you’re anything like me, you’re probably reading this because you’re desperate to find a natural remedy for acne or hyper pigmentation and African Black Soap is something that you...

Ruzzel's Acne Story

Ruzzel's Acne Story

I was on my 6th grade when I started breaking out. It even got worse when I entered highschool. Every morning I'd go straight to the mirror to see how many new pimples appeared overnight. I would p...

10 Skincare Ingredients To Avoid During Pregnancy

10 Skincare Ingredients To Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes in hormones and nutrient needs will cause changes in our diet, medications and body, which is totally natural and normal!  Most of us know to avoid eating undercooked or r...

hate my acne scars blog

I Hate Acne Scars. I'm Tired Of Having Acne For So Many Years.

By: Nell S.  When i was younger, I didn’t have acne so i never thought that it would become a problem in my adult life. But like most people, acne struck me during puberty and has stuck around ever...

Vitamins And Minerals For Healing Acne

Vitamins And Minerals For Healing Acne

By Samantha Acne can strike at any age to any one regardless of the gender. But mostly it starts in teenage years and can be really stressful. It can make the person feel less confident and ugly. ...

banish acne scars

What it’s Really Like Living With Adult Acne

By Kali Kushner   Living with adult acne felt confusing. Frustrating. Embarrassing. Eye opening. Empowering. Wonderful. Probably not exactly the words you were expecting but trying to wrap up the ...

8 Skin Positivity Accounts you Should be Following

8 Skin Positivity Accounts you Should be Following

Did you know that 92% of people who experience acne have felt depressed and 14% felt suicidal? Read that again and take a moment to let that sink in. For people who haven’t experienced consistent a...

my eczema struggle

My Eczema Psoriasis Struggle

You may or may not know, but I’ve been suffering from eczema/psoriasis for the past couple of years. My skin has always been my biggest insecurity. Once when the acne began to clear up, and I could...

Happy 7th birthday to Banish!

Happy 7th birthday to Banish!

By: Daisy Jing I can’t believe 7 years have gone by since I sold the first Banish kit! I specifically remember waking up one morning in Sept 2013 and seeing 3 orders for the Banish kit; the first ...

acne tips that work

Acne Skin Care Tips

I might be the last person someone might go to for beauty advice, but thanks to my acne and scars, I am pretty dang good at making my skin look flawless, however I still get acne and it's totally o...

BANISH Acne Diaries: A Movement for Skin Positivity (Application)

BANISH Acne Diaries: A Movement for Skin Positivity (Application)

by Dannii A Want to be part of our skin positivity movement? What is the BANISH Acne Diaries Initiative? Acne shouldn't be ignored or dismissed as superficial or vain, it can be an actual, sev...

Tea Tree Oil Benefits For Acne

Tea Tree Oil Benefits For Acne

I incorporated tea tree oil into my skin care routine as a move of desperation because I was beginning to feel very discouraged regarding the condition of my not-so-pretty post-inflammatory hyperpi...

Social media can be deadly - A Tragedy Called Perfection Tedx Talk

Watch my Tedx talk about the unrealistic beauty standards of perfection.      My greatest accomplishment so far of 2019 has been my Tedx talk,  “ A Tragedy called Perfection”, where I share my st...